we are approaching the one year mark in our california home, which means we have been in this state for an entire year now. i still look at the license plates and think "really, i live in california?" it has been a fun year, don't let my post title confuse you, but i am in desperate need of greenery and weather. i miss trees (actual lush trees), and rain, and snow and heat (well maybe not heat). so in two weeks i am heading east for some much needed scenery change!!! new york, portland maine, and asheville north carolina are on the docket, and did i mention i am EXCITED?
oh and for the record, i am aware that i will miss the vineyards and beaches very, very much. i have grown quite attached to our little piece of the west coast here even if i still want to escape every now and then.
{picture from pia jane bijkerk taken in the netherlands ... which isn't exactly the east coast, but very pretty and green}